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Tripp McCoy is a dynamic and passionate business owner who proudly calls our district his home. Born and raised here, Tripp has deep-rooted connections to the community and a keen understanding of the challenges and opportunities it faces. With a commitment to making a difference, Tripp is running for the Senate to bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the table.

Tripp understands that strong communities are built on trust and collaboration. As your Senator, he will tirelessly advocate for policies that stimulate economic growth, create jobs, and provide better roads to our communities. He firmly believes that investing in our local businesses and infrastructure is the key to a prosperous future for everyone in our district.

Support Tripp McCoy's Senate campaign today and be a part of the positive change we all want to see in our community.







Small businesses are the lifeblood of our local economy. I will advocate for policies that foster an environment where businesses can thrive. By reducing unnecessary regulations and providing access to resources and capital, we can encourage the growth of local enterprises and create new job prospects that offer competitive salaries and benefits.

Our state's roads play a vital role in connecting people, businesses, and resources. It has become evident that our infrastructure is facing major challenges. Potholes, congestion, and outdated road systems hinder our daily lives and impede economic growth. It's time we take proactive measures to address these issues and pave the way for a brighter future.

My mission is to be the most available and approachable public servant you've ever encountered. I believe that effective leadership begins with active engagement and listening to the needs and concerns of our community members. Accessibility is not just a promise; it is a core value that will guide every aspect of my tenure as your state senator. You can call or text Tripp at (803)320-9115.

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